F. R. I. D. A. Y.

Hi. Hello. Happy Friday!

I have the day off from "Fun at Jancey's House", otherwise known as my full-time babysitting gig. I'm just a little bit exhausted from the first two weeks of Kaylee's summer vacation, having gotten used to just having little brother Nolan here. It's a whole 'nother thing to have them both here, especially when Kaylee thinks that she should be able to take a nap (sure, that's going to happen!) in my bed while Nolan takes his. The problem is that Nolan is ordinarily a very good napper, but his crib is in my bedroom, and he's used to having it all to himself. So of course if she's in there, too, he's not about to do anything other than stand in the crib trying to get her attention. It takes no time at all for that to escalate into Kaylee running out to tell me that Nolan won't go to sleep, while he's in there crying because she left. Lord help me! We've had to make a RULE...no Kaylee in the bedroom while Nolan takes a nap!

My day is going to be taken up with getting some rings made to take to a show tomorrow. But in the interest of resurrecting the blog, I thought I'd leave you with just a few things to peruse while I get to work. I hope to make it a regular feature, but I'm not ready to promise anything.

How to post Instagram photos from your computer.

I need to go to Trader Joe's.

This quirky voice.

A blog series I keep revisiting...because IKEA kitchens.

The same blogger's own IKEA kitchen remodel....it's beautiful! 

Where I'll be selling my jewelry tomorrow.

And a photo...

My view from a cabana on Isla Pasión, just north of Cozumel, 5.13.2017


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